Prior Results Recovering Garnished Wages

All case results listed here were filed in the Eastern District of California Bankruptcy Court.
These are examples of Attorney Timothy C. Springer using the bankruptcy process to recover garnished wages.

2009: Case No. 09-11061, recovering garnished wages of $2023.86 from FORD MOTOR CREDIT.

2010: Case No. 10-60305, recovering garnished wages of $1,190.44 from FIA CARD SERVICES, BANK OF AMERICA.

2010: Case No. 10-12938, recovering garnished wages of $610.86 from DISCOVER BANK.

2010: Case No. 10-64359, recovering garnished wages of $2,875.36 from CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA) N.A.

2010: Case No. 10-61864, recovering garnished wages of $1,254.96 from LIVINGSTON FINANCIAL, LLC.

2010: Case No. 10-64870, recovering garnished wages of $770.00 from CASH CALL INC.

2010: Case No. 10-61842, recovering garnished wages of $2027.86, and $1635.44 in attorney’s fees from ECO WATER SYSTEMS OF CALIFORNIA.

2010: Case No. 10-16298, recovering garnished wages of $954.37 from CACH, LLC. Aka COLLECT AMERICA LTD.

2011: Case No. 11-17621, recovering garnished wages of $1,677.41 from ACCOUNTS RETRIEVABLE SYSTEM, INC.

2011: Case No. 11-11964, recovered garnished wages of $1,667.88 from BANK OF STOCKTON.

2011: Case No. 11-63077, a case against MIDLAND FUNDING, LLC to recover garnished wages. The case was settled by consent and the amount of the settlement cannot be disclosed pursuant to the stipulations of the release.

2011: Case No. 11-14736, recovered garnished wages of $1,797.62 from THE NATIONAL COLLECTION AGENCY, INC.

2012: Case No. 12-12101, recovering garnished wages of $3,476.16 from CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA) N.A.

2013: Case No. 13-10511, recovered garnished wages of $1,667.88 from SPRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

2013: Case No. 13-11830, recovering garnished wages of $1,030.76 from CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMET DEPARTMENT (EDD).

2013: Case No. 13-16199, a case against MIDLAND FUNDING, LLC to recover garnished wages. The case was settled by consent and the amount of the settlement cannot be disclosed pursuant to the stipulations of the release.

2013: Case No. 13−16606, recovered garnished wages of $1,787.25 from MOUNTAIN LION ACQUISITIONS, INC.

2013: Case No. 13−12802, recovered garnished wages of $1,449.08 from PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION CONSULTANTS.

2013: Case No. 13-12452, recovered garnished wages of $736.65 from CACH, LLC.

2014: Case No. 14-11774, recovered garnished wages of $1,569.05 from CAVALRY INVESTMENTS, LLC.

2015: Case No. 15-10909, recovered garnished wages of $2,693.41 from ATLANTIC CREDIT & FINANCE, INC.

2015: Case No. 15-12236, a case against MIDLAND FUNDING, LLC to recover garnished wages. The case was settled by consent and the amount of the settlement cannot be disclosed pursuant to the stipulations of the release.

2015: Case No. 15-11929, a case against MIDLAND FUNDING, LLC to recover garnished wages. The case was settled by consent and the amount of the settlement cannot be disclosed pursuant to the stipulations of the release.

2015: Case No. 15-10850, recovering garnished wages of $650.97 from CAPITAL COLLECTIONS, LLC (USA) N.A.

2015: Case No. 15-12482, a case against DISCOVER BANK for a return of garnished wages. The case was settled by consent and the terms and conditions of the settlement cannot be disclosed pursuant to the stipulations of the release.

2015: Case No. 15-13426, recovering garnished wages of $1,767.43 from CAPITAL COLLECTIONS, LLC (USA) N.A.

2015: Case No. 15-13720, recovered $1,040.59 PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC as a return of garnished wages.

2015: Case No. 15-14865, a case against DISCOVER BANK for a return of garnished wages. The case was settled by consent and the terms and conditions of the settlement cannot be disclosed pursuant to the stipulations of the release.

2016: Case No. 16-10064, recovering garnished wages of $1880.02 from FORD MOTOR CREDIT.

2016: Case No. 16-10887, recovering garnished wages of $1489.00 from Fresno Credit Bureau.

2016: Case No. 16-10688, recovered garnished wages of $1,694.69 from CACH, LLC.

2016: Case No. 16-12165, recovered garnished wages of $970.98 from CACH, LLC.

2016: Case No. 16-13919, recovered garnished wages of $2332.93 from Collectibles Management Resources

2017: Case No. 17-10232, recovered garnished wages of $2005.00 from Collectibles Management Resources

2017: Case No. 17-11552 recovered garnished wages of $808.35 from Western States Adjusters

2017: Case No. 17-12631 recovered garnished wages of $1,869.87 from Western National Securities

2017: Case No. 17-12631 recovered garnished wages of $1,869.87 from Western National Securities

2017: Case No. 17-12846, recovering garnished wages of $3,588.00 from CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMET DEPARTMENT (EDD).

2018: Case No. 12-15064, a case against WELLS FARGO BANK. The case was settled IN 2018 by consent and the terms and conditions of the settlement cannot be disclosed pursuant to the stipulations of the release.

2018: Case No. 18-01058, a case against Creditors Trade Association, Inc., dba Great Western Collection Bureau a Judgment for $2,256.00 was obtained. To date it has not been paid. Apparently Creditors Trade Association, Inc., dba Great Western Collection Bureau is insolvent.

2018: Case No. 18-12592 recovered garnished wages of $1,105.00 from Kings Credit.

2018: Case No. 18-01079 recovered garnished wages of $618.00 from Consumer Portfolio

Of course, past results afford no guarantee of future results; each matter is different and must be judged on its own merits.